S3 Company Managing Director, Dr. Art Tucker, Scientific Director, Professor Atholl Johnston & Company Secretary Mrs. Dawn Tucker attended the Clinical Contract Research Association House of Lords’ Reception hosted by The Lord McColl of Greenwich - July 28th 2011
We were delighted with the opportunity to engage with The Lord McColl in a discussion regarding our concerns with the delays encountered by UK researchers due to unnecessary bureaucracy as well as the need to engage with research partners in emerging nations. We are hopeful that he will take up these issues with the House to enable this area of innovation to be allowed the freedom to forge onwards and aid economic recovery. Lord McColl of Dulwich
'Practical Innovation in Advanced Cleaning : Formula 429' 'Infection Control: Working together to fight infection', The Barbican, London - 6 October 2010
'Shaping the Future of Healthcare Sciencies', NHS, London - 2 March 2010
Annual Clinical Contract Research Association (CCRA) meeting Hosted by Earl Attlee, House of Lords, London - 29 July 2010
Representatives from organisations such as MHRA, UKCRC, NIHR, NRES, ABPPI, PCMG, UKCI and ICR.
Guest Lecture “Failure of Translation?” - 9 July 2009
The Role of Government & Industry in Translational Research, Emerging Medical Technologies, London Technology Network. Despite the substantive inward investment into R&D at a national level, there is a national failure of clinical translation. This meeting focused upon the barriers to the development of emerging technologies in the HEI and NHS sectors. The aim of this lecture is to analyse what technologies and strategies are currently being employed in order to both refine and expedite this process; and offer practical solutions.
'Special Interest Group Leaders for Emerging Medical Technology Group Advisory Board', London Technology Network. 15 October
The Emerging Medical Technologies Group is aimed at strengthening the connections of the best researchers and companies in the life sciences sector.
Founded in March 2007, the Group brings together professionals from industry, academia and government across the Greater South East of the UK to stimulate further knowledge exchange and collaboration. The Group currently has a membership comprised of over 400 members and is highly cross-disciplinary in nature. The Group produces regular networking events which have addressed topics such as regenerative medicine, oncology, infectious diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, e-Home & e-Care, and converging technologies in medical devices.).
London Technology Network, www.ltnetwork/org
Academic Faculty - 'Ethical review of clinical research' - 6 August 2008
17th Annual Training Conference, The Clinical Contract Research Association (CCRA), Robinson College, Cambridge
This annual residential training course is to enable an independent forum to provide practical training for ethics committee members. The forum facilitates the development of a consensus for the ethical review of clinical research and identifies best practice. The Clinical Contract Research Association is a not-for-profit trade organisation founded to represent the professional views and interests of organisations which provide contract clinical development services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
Strategic Management of Clinical Research conference - Singapore 5 June 2008
'Outsourcing considerations for clinical development in emerging regions'
We were delighted with the opportunity to engage with The Lord McColl in a discussion regarding our concerns with the delays encountered by UK researchers due to unnecessary bureaucracy as well as the need to engage with research partners in emerging nations. We are hopeful that he will take up these issues with the House to enable this area of innovation to be allowed the freedom to forge onwards and aid economic recovery. Lord McColl of Dulwich
'Practical Innovation in Advanced Cleaning : Formula 429' 'Infection Control: Working together to fight infection', The Barbican, London - 6 October 2010
'Shaping the Future of Healthcare Sciencies', NHS, London - 2 March 2010
Annual Clinical Contract Research Association (CCRA) meeting Hosted by Earl Attlee, House of Lords, London - 29 July 2010
Representatives from organisations such as MHRA, UKCRC, NIHR, NRES, ABPPI, PCMG, UKCI and ICR.
Guest Lecture “Failure of Translation?” - 9 July 2009
The Role of Government & Industry in Translational Research, Emerging Medical Technologies, London Technology Network. Despite the substantive inward investment into R&D at a national level, there is a national failure of clinical translation. This meeting focused upon the barriers to the development of emerging technologies in the HEI and NHS sectors. The aim of this lecture is to analyse what technologies and strategies are currently being employed in order to both refine and expedite this process; and offer practical solutions.
'Special Interest Group Leaders for Emerging Medical Technology Group Advisory Board', London Technology Network. 15 October
The Emerging Medical Technologies Group is aimed at strengthening the connections of the best researchers and companies in the life sciences sector.
Founded in March 2007, the Group brings together professionals from industry, academia and government across the Greater South East of the UK to stimulate further knowledge exchange and collaboration. The Group currently has a membership comprised of over 400 members and is highly cross-disciplinary in nature. The Group produces regular networking events which have addressed topics such as regenerative medicine, oncology, infectious diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, e-Home & e-Care, and converging technologies in medical devices.).
London Technology Network, www.ltnetwork/org
Academic Faculty - 'Ethical review of clinical research' - 6 August 2008
17th Annual Training Conference, The Clinical Contract Research Association (CCRA), Robinson College, Cambridge
This annual residential training course is to enable an independent forum to provide practical training for ethics committee members. The forum facilitates the development of a consensus for the ethical review of clinical research and identifies best practice. The Clinical Contract Research Association is a not-for-profit trade organisation founded to represent the professional views and interests of organisations which provide contract clinical development services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
Strategic Management of Clinical Research conference - Singapore 5 June 2008
'Outsourcing considerations for clinical development in emerging regions'